It is a tourist trip, by definition aimed at getting to know the country, interesting places and local culture. There are no elements of stunt in the event, including rivalry and competition. Participants travel as a group, spend time as a group and support each other.
Why Ledakh and Zanskar?
Ledakh has been an independent kingdom under the strong influence of Tibet for centuries, while maintaining a distinct identity and traditions. It is among the highest-altitude and inhabited places on Earth, with a stalwart in Leh - located at 3,600 meters above sea level. It is inhabited by descendants of Tibetans who migrated here more than a thousand years ago and little has changed since then, making it considered one of the best places in the world to learn about the original Tibetan culture.
A sizable part of the land is the Zaskar (Zanskar) Mountains of the Himalayas - a true mosaic of colors and shapes attracting globetrotters from all over the world. Although almost entirely Ladakh is an arid and harsh land, with desert areas where during the day the scorching
the sun illuminates the lunar landscapes, and at night the penetrating chill can make its mark, it is here that Buddhist temples, rivers, rivers, lakes, sand dunes, camels, yaks, sheep and places forgotten by the world, where people have lived for centuries. READ MORE ON OUR BLOG...
Rozpoczynamy w Manali, dokąd dotrzemy transferem z Delhi. Tutaj czekają na nas motocykle, samochód serwisowo-bagażowy, obsługa i lokalny przewodnik. Zobaczymy najciekawsze zakątki regionu Ladakh. Odwiedzimy najpiękniejsze buddyjskie klasztory doliny Indusu. Zasmakujemy motocyklowego „roller costera” w najwyższych górach świata. Odwiedzimy malownicze jezioro Pangong Tso. Podczas podróży kilka razy pokonamy przełęcze położone powyżej 5000 m n.p.m. Wisienką na torcie będzie najwyższa dopuszczona do ruchu kołowego przełęcz na świecie – Umling La (5 883 m n.p.m) ! Odwiedzimy też bajkową dolinę Zanskaru. Będziemy mieć okazję wyjechać z tej doliny całkiem nową drogą, którą otworzono dla ruchu publicznego w 2020 roku! No i oczywiście będziemy podróżować na legendarnych Royal Enfieldach – jedynej „słusznej” marce w tej części świata!
Oferta przede wszystkim dla miłośników wypraw podróżniczych w grupie (wypraw pozbawionych luksusu, z pewną dozą nieprzewidywalności, acz z kontrolowanym marginesem ryzyka), miłośników zróżnicowanych krajobrazów, azjatyckiej przyrody i pogody, pozostałości starożytnej kultury i architektury, zdaniem – oferta dla wszystkich, którzy chcą spędzić kilkanaście dni ekscytującej wyprawy po najdalej wysuniętej na północ części Indii. Przewidziana w korzystnym turystycznie – dla tej destynacji – okresie, pozwoli na wykorzystanie najdogodniejszych warunków pogodowych do spędzenia czasu, zebranie przepięknych wspomnień, relacji foto i wideo.
- TOUR OPERATOR - we are legally operating tour operators, registered in the Central Register of Tour Operators and Entrepreneurs Facilitating the Acquisition of Related Travel Services (CEOTiPUNPUT) So your trip is secured completely and in two pillars: through insurance guarantees provided to us by Insurance Companies and through the Tourist Guarantee Fund.
- TRAVEL INSURANCE - in. Within the framework of the contract concluded with us, you will receive, in the price of each tourist event and according to the destination, a package of travel insurance on the subject of: Costs of Treatment and Assistance (KL), Rescue Costs (KR), Personal Accident (NNW), Civil Liability (OC) - details in the contract for participation in a tourist event and the T&C of the insurance included
- CANCELLATION INSURANCE - in our offer, in addition to the possibility of increasing the sums insured also the possibility of Insurance Costs of Cancellation and Interruption of the Tourist Event
- INTEGRATION AND RELATIONSHIPS - We are part of the group, integrating and having fun together with you, vigilantly ensuring safety, smooth execution and only positive impressions. We create conditions for building valuable and lasting relationships, while respecting your privacy.
- LOYALTY PROGRAM - all our customers are covered by a rewarding loyalty program MOTOloyalty - Giving tangible benefits from ongoing cooperation....
You can find several similar offers. Of all those available, ours stands out:
- PREMIUM QUALITY at an affordable price - it is not a budget offer, we provide an increased standard of service and livelihood at the place of organization
- GROUP TRAVEL - The addressees of the offer and potential participants are those who are aware and determined to travel in groups and with the support/guidance of the organizer
- ACCOMMODATIONS - accommodations always of high standard are carefully selected, most are our permanent base
- CAREGIVER WITH EXPERIENCE - 24/7 care of an experienced and professional tour leader pilot, with knowledge of foreign language, with knowledge of routes and places included in the program
- HOT-LINE TRAVEL ASSISTANT - A communicator that allows constant 24/7 contact with the organizing team at least 1 month before the departure date
- SERVICE ON THE GO - ad hoc organization of free time, optional excursions, local transportation at the request of the participant during the trip
- REFINED PLAN AND PROGRAM - The formula of trips places very high the needs of cognitive and social tourism, travel in a detailed planned program framework, with a high intensity of thematically diverse program points, without losing valuable time for unplanned activities.